måndag 15 februari 2010

you just suck on your mother's tit and then you die

shining är som kokain: inte alltför skadligt i små doser vid väl valda tillfällen. skillnaden är bara att avtändningen är ruset.

i think we oughta start out life old. and we have all the pain. and we're feeble. and we look at our friends. and they're feeble, they're a hundred. but every day we get younger and we have something to look forward to. and you take care of yourself but... there's hope. and then, when you reach twenty, nineteen, twelve, ten... every day is really a new day. and it's really a miracle. and then, you're a baby and you don't know that your life is ending. you just suck on your mother's tit and then you die.